Blogs|Manifesting Energy

Oil Pulling | What should you know
What should you know about oil pulling? There is much to know about oil pulling, the resurrected ancient gem. To me, it began booming out of nowhere. It's the same way...

The Veneers Process | The truth and long-term care
The Veneers Process and the truth of long-term care is investment that many don’t take heed to when initially considering the cosmetic enhancement. The mindful consideration one must take as...

Unconscious | Support in society
Society is the foundation of a state, but the structure of a continent. On a daily basis we are subliminally bombarded with elements beneficial to the deconstruction of Self. Before...

Shelf Life and the Effects
I wonder if you have ever really took the time out to comprehend what Shelf Life means. Why? Because nearly every thing on this planet has a shelf life. How...

Importance | Brushing Childrens teeth
The importance of brushing your children's teeth. I know some of you may be wondering, "why brush their teeth if they are at an age to do it themselves?" Well...

Meaning of | Self-Conscious
The meaning of self-conscious: "Conscious of one's own acts or states as belonging to or originating in oneself : aware of oneself as an individual." Yet this definition isn't as...

Welcome to Manifesting Energy (Intro)
Finally Manifested! ME is so happy to finally be able to bring forth what is needed. I hope you enjoy everything ME has to offer. Please follow on @MEnaturals on...

A New Way of Natural
Welcome to a new way of natural.... or being natural. But first we must take a look at what the word 'Natural' means. 'Natural' is existing in or caused by...

How to Become | Confident
"I CAN DO WHATEVER I PUT MY MIND TO," "I AM WHOEVER I WANT TO BE," "I AM SUCCESS!" Confident...a superior factor in the world. It is one...

When Thoughts Become Reality | Poetry
When thoughts become reality they are moveable...Hear me move. The Love EyE Found The Love EyE found I once thought it couldn't possibly exist...but it does It was, Just not...